Swapna Krishnamoorthy, Ph.D.

Cognitive Neuroscientist

Mindfulness Researcher

Meditation practitioner

Yoga instructor

About Me

The science & practice of mindful living.

Mindfulness researcher, meditation practitioner, and yoga instructor specialized in the cognitive neuroscience of contemplative practices with over 10 years of research experience examining the effects of meditation on brain and behaviour.


With over 10 years of research experience examining the effects of meditation on brain and behaviour, I’m passionately committed to applying my expertise in contemplative cognitive neuroscience to design, test, and implement evidence-based practices that optimize human behaviour, mental health, and well-being.

Meditation & Yoga

As a registered yoga teacher with over 15 years of self-guided practice, I provide meditation & yoga instruction for clients with varying degrees of experience, skills, and ability. I also create educational content on the neuroscience of contemplative practice for audiences with diverse backgrounds in scientific literacy. 

Mindful Insights

During daily activities, we must alter behaviour adaptively from moment-to-moment in order to meet the cognitive demands of current goals. Merging Western Science with Eastern Philosophy, I explore the scientific applications and barriers of living mindfully in an increasingly challenging modern world. 

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